After sentiers 229 designing without depletion

humaneTech sustainableTech deepThinking sustainability

What can we learn from knowledge created in other fields, and adopt in the technology world, so that we adopt mind perspectives that allow us to build technology that integrates in a sustainable manner with us as inviduals, us as societies and within the environment.

"Architects would not design buildings apart from the systems, but rather in the full knowledge of how its impacts reverbarate across the sourcing and contrusctions, and they would not expand their agency to orient the whole for less extraction and more sustainable models"

In order to learn, we need to employ deep thinking strategies, agues the author of this article in sentiers, that lead us to dig further the path where this concept of sustainable products of our practices (in the case of the article is about architects on buildings).

"Spend time thinking deeply about the practice and reinventing it for our current challentes than they do with the 'clasical' tasks of architects"

From the technology perspective, it could mean: how we technologist use our knowledge of practices and computer science, to produce technology products that respect the limits of systemic environment where that product lives, meaning: the world environment (green stuff), the social groups using the actual product, its impact on how they organize themselves, their moral, their priorities, and helping them to go into a direction where they as humans think more in a sustainable manners for themselves and for the world where they live... And from the internal perspective, the teams that build the actual product, what practices or tools do we need to learn, adopt, and promote, so that while we are building this product, we have a more meaningul life, with meaningful connections.

So the deep thinking here applies in summary to three areas: the teams that build the product, the individuals using the product, the impact the adoption of the product on societies, and the world environment and amount of natural resources needed in order for that product to operate. The reflection aims to create "pleasant and liveable environment".

"this means finding ways to produce more beauty in a way that is much more about the creation of a pleasant and liveable environment...

what is core to do this kind of cross disciplinary work is the need to work in teams and networks rather than the idea of the architect as heroic, centralized figure."

The current social scientific knowledge, across different fields, is pointing to the direction of adopting more collective, well-being, intersectionally diverse and collaborative perspectives produce human environments, products, and impact on environment closer to achieve that sustainable goal that humans nowadays seem to be in the need for.