Things to do Habits that help

End of day reflection time: the act of reflection improves satisfaction, especially during the difficult circumstances of a crisis

Daily reflection is powerful: it makes us aware of areas for improvement, and can increase our satisfaction.

Self monitoring: Brings more awareness and can help us to set and improve our goals over time. Battles the lack of emotional self awareness, which can promote burnout when we have frequent negative emotions. Hack: Install an app to track at the beginning and end of the day if your mood is low or high negative

Find inner-beliefs that help and don't help: Find out which are your close enemies (beliefs) ie: endurance makes you do more, and resilience might make you feel replenished

Find negative biases or mental traps that can be dampening the impact of positive events, things like: self-blaming, mental rumination, catastrophizing, among other mechanisms.

Find internal values such as: "I will work harder" (Endurance). Change them to more wellbeing beliefs, such as resilience

Welcome Gaps as Opportunities to Rest, Not Inconveniences. We need moments of not doing; we need moments that don’t count, to let our nervous system to recover from the high-doing, high-achievement part of the day.

Example: While waiting at the train, airport, or doctor, instead of pulling out your phone, just do nothing

Curb the urge to overwork even if it's 8h a day it can be mentally overwork