Draft ideas.md
pet-project , idea-to-refine build-for-fun music
The main idea of the app is to be a web browser app, made with whatever tech I decide, to practice, and learn full software design, and product design. At my own pace, with or without help of others. To have my own thing that I grow over time.
It would solve my need of: * Finding new music * Finding something in my music sources, according to: mood, genre, occasion, rather than only by title of playlist, artist name or album. * Recommend and promote alternative, indie-web-like, new music, new music sources (ie: flow state, fip radio, etc) * Find in those whatever they are playing
Music streaming APIS
Shazam - Best for Identifying Songs & Music Recognition
TheAudioDB - Best for All Around Song & Music Video Data
Spotify Best for Music Metadata & Playlists
LastFM - Best for Metadata, Charts & Cover Art
30,000 radio stations and music charts Best for Radio Station Data
- Search by mood, genre, occasion
- Search in spotify, radios
- Get info of current song (artist etc)
- Sort playlists by genre
- Web player
- Music inspiration:
- online magazines?
- Option to edit custom order of my playlits
- Intelligent search:
- Powered by AI?
- Search by mood, genre, name of artist, playlist, album, year.
- My library with sorting of albums and playlists per genre, mood
Data Fetching alternatives
Questions: * What are the standards nowadays?
State management
- What are the options nowadays?
Backend & Deployments
- Lambda AWS -> Event driven serverless computing platform
- Nest JS ?
- Lambda Netlify + faunadb
Boilerplates * https://github.com/arabold/serverless-react-boilerplate
- DynamoDB
- [] Finish AWS registration
- [] Create AWS key -> https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/credentials#create-an-iam-user-and-access-key
- [] Follow tutorial: https://blog.logrocket.com/building-serverless-app-typescript/
- React
- Backend: NodeJs
- AWS Serverless
Web APIs